Infant | Infants 4 months old | Infant feeding | Advice

Infant 4 months feeding. In the fourth month, children become curious about the outside world. And they begin to explore foods.

Infant | Infants 4 months old | Infant feeding | Advice

But, many babies aren't ready to eat until the age of six months. As a mother, you play a crucial role in preparing your child for this stage.

By introducing solid foods when they have the necessary skills. Some doctors recommend providing only breast milk to children.

The introduction of solid foods may be delayed until the sixth month due to possible developmental differences between babies.

The most important of these skills for infant

  • A child's development of essential skills includes control of the head and neck.
  • Sitting alone or with support
  • Paying attention to eating, and opening the mouth when presented with food. And developing swallowing skills.

Infant feeding tips

Mashed food for your infant 

To ensure a healthy infant, start with pureed food without sugar or salt. Such as fruits or vegetables like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, and bananas. To avoid allergies, it is recommended to wait a few days before changing the type of food. Also, give him liquid-consistency food and gradually roughen the texture of the food. After a child eats individual foods. You can also offer a pureed mixture of two foods. As children prefer sugary tastes and prefer fruits over vegetables. When serving vegetables, mix them with fruit to prevent rejection.

Avoid this food

Avoid offering honey and cow's milk to infants under one year old. To protect them from exposure to children's allergies.

By following these tips. A child can develop essential skills for eating and swallowing food.

Also, you should ensure they are well-nourished and not exposed to harmful foods.

Ensure the softness of the food

To ensure a healthy infant, ensure the food is soft and finely mashed for easy swallowing.

Quantity of food for your infant's health

Also, you should feed the child a specific amount of food.  Give him two spoons on the first day, followed by four and six. And finally, a full meal on the fourth day.

Serving food with a spoon

Don't feed the infant through feeding bottles. Feed him with a spoon to discover the spoon and mouth.

The text suggests bringing the food closer to the infant to allow him to smell it first. Don't put food directly into the mouth.

Canned food

Canned baby food should be placed in a bowl, not fed directly from jars, because oral bacteria can contaminate leftover food.

Follow food safety rules for infant

Also, food safety is crucial for a child's growth and development. To ensure optimal nutrition, it is necessary to adhere to food safety regulations and cook food in ways that preserve vitamins and minerals.

Comfort and pleasure

Make food enjoyable and comfortable for your child.


Also, you should be patient with feeding time. This may take some time. Until the infant learns to eat this food.

Don't stop breastfeeding

Breastfeed your infant, whether naturally or artificially, even if they start eating. To provide essential nutrients for their growth.

Offer upon request for your infant

Also, offer food upon request without imposing a feeding schedule.

Pay attention to body language

It is essential to closely monitor your baby's body language and feeding cues. To know when to breastfeed and when to stop.

Don't force-feed

Certainly, if the child doesn't want to eat don't force him.

Don't force your infant to finish eating

The child's appetite varies from day to day. So don't force the infant to finish eating completely.

Avoid foods that cause allergies

Avoid foods that cause allergies, such as eggs, fish, peanuts, and nuts. Possible signs of a food allergy include rash, bloating, and diarrhea. Also causes Vomiting, breathing problems, and stomach aches.

Helping the baby to burp

Help your baby burp after every feeding to prevent gas in the baby.

Breastfeeding tips

Tips for breastfeeding your infant

Ensure the baby’s position during breastfeeding

To ensure a enough amount of milk for your baby during breastfeeding.

The baby's position should be securely attached to the breast.

This also helps in obtaining more milk and reduces the risk of nipple pain.

Breastfeeding your infant from both breasts

Breastfeeding from both breasts is essential for a mixture of milk.

Don't reduce breastfeeding time

It is also important not to limit breastfeeding time, as every baby has a different rate. Allow the baby to breastfeed as long as he needs to.

Tips if you are artificially breastfeeding your baby

Mix the milk formula as directed

To ensure your infant receives adequate milk formula. Follow the instructions provided in each package. This is for your child to get all the nutritional benefits.

Flow nipple

Use a suitable flow nipple to avoid fast or slow flow, preventing chokes and boredom.

Proper heating of milk

To ensure optimal comfort while drinking milk, it is necessary to heat it to room temperature.

Finally, you can talk to your pediatrician. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's nutrition.

We recommend specific products to feed the baby for several months. You can buy from any store you want. Click here to buy.

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The products

1- Ella's Kitchen Organic Baby Food - Stage 1 - From 4 months

Baby | Infants 4 months old | Infant feeding | Advice

Our ultra-soft baby purees are an excellent introduction to new tastes and delicious foods, making them ideal for weaning. Click here to buy.

2- Cow & Gate Banana Porridge Infant Food Cereal, 4-6+ Months

Baby Cereal offers a gentle way to introduce babies to first tastes and smooth textures. Backed by over 100 years of trusted experience from Cow & Gate. 
Click here to buy.

3- Rice Porridge with bananas for babies from 4 months old organic Germany

Infant | Infants 4 months old | Infant feeding | Advice

Töpfer's product is an organic whole-grain rice porridge with bananas. This product is a nutritious and delicious choice for children aged 4 months and above and is free of added sugars. Click here to buy.

4- Fleur Alpine Infant food CEREAL Organic Buckwheat MILK 200gr 4+Month

Infant | Infants 4 months old | Infant feeding | Advice

The product line includes a variety of gluten-free cereals, including corn cereal.

This product is made from whole grains, ensuring the biological value of the shell and germ of the grain.

These cereals contain natural vitamins and fiber. That reduces the risk of allergies in infants. Click here to buy.
